I am Anja, originally from Germany but I moved to New Zealand over 4 years ago after meeting my Kiwi partner while travelling in Australia for a year. We live here in a cute little town and for the first time in my adult life I life in a house with a garden. We grow our own veggies and have a little campervan we use frequently to travel around New Zealand. I love traveling and being connected with nature. I converted our house into a little jungle and take care of more than 100 indoor plants and love doing any kind of crafty stuff. For most of the people that sounds like a dream and it is... if there wasn't work.

When I first arrived in New Zealand I didn't take work very seriously and basically did what every backpacker does - pick up a job for a few months and then spend the money on exploring the country. Living the dream!

But then my old beliefs came up and I felt the need of finding a "proper" job since I wanted to stay permanently. So, I ended up in an office job working 9-5 again. My parents were proud that my studies weren't wasted and it all looked awesome from the outside.

But after 2 years of working in the office I noticed that it didn't feel right for me anymore.... I felt trapped in a never ending cycle and totally lost, not seeing a purpose in my work. I worked so hard for a promotion which I thought would solve all my problems and on top of that I picked up a second job but I had hardly any energy left after work. I didn't exercise anymore and mainly ate junk food. So, it was just a matter of time until my body forced me to rest since I actively ignored a lot of signs. I guess people would say these are the first symptoms of a burnout. But how is that possible? I noticed that I poured all my energy into a job that doesn't fulfill me at all and I decided that it was time to take action. I did some research and came across Affiliate Marketing. Was I skeptical at the beginning? Of course! I actually did a few different courses and it took me ages to make the actual step to start but here I am - I made a life changing decision and quit my job without knowing what comes next. All I knew was that I expect more from life - more freedom, more energy, more time for family, friends and hobbies. And that's where my journey started.

Who I am

You want to know more how to work towards your own dreams instead of someone elses?